Friday, March 07, 2008

Recession for sure

Unfortunately, lots of bad news today:

Payrolls declined by 63,000 jobs.

Defaults on mortgages reached a historic high.

And Saturday Night Live is apparently back on the radar.

"'Saturday Night Live' has been in the news a lot lately, first for allegedly catering to Hillary Clinton's campaign with too-favorable skits and appearances, then for hiring Fred Armisen to portray Barack Obama even though Armisen is not black and, finally, for being cited as a catalyst - by way of a skit featuring fawning reporters asking Armisen/Obama softball questions - for tougher media coverage of the Illinois senator.

"To which we say: What? People are still watching 'Saturday Night Live'? Why? To kill time in a slow and unfunny manner? "

Also, see this post for some of the reasons I hate the entire "bitch is the new black" thing. Being a bitch is not a good thing! I find it absurd that I even need to type that. Remember, the origin of the word is a female dog - it's not exactly the type of description women should desire. And yes, I know it wasn't Hillary Clinton who invented the phrase, but one of her supporters - however, many of her [particularly female] supporters have embraced this motto. If another candidate appropriated a word into their campaign that applied to a specific demographic and had a negative origin, my guess is there would be a HUGE backlash. No matter how much I read, I still find it very hard to understand the Clinton campaign, particularly the feminist aspect, which she's been trying to play for all its worth. Hillary's campaign seems to alternate between accusing everyone else (the media, her opponents, the voters!) of misogyny and displaying it themselves. I cannot think of a better word to describe her entire campaign than "hypocritical".

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