Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama's race speech

Mmmm.... oratory skills....

Here's a link to the full text, comments to come.

1 comment:

Therapy Cat said...

Love the name of your blog "Nobody feels any pain..." The post is a bit enigmatic but suggests that you approve of the Senator's delivery. I've got to core of a blog about BHO. Acknowledging your salute to Bobby Zimmermann, here's the advance preview.

E pluribus unum. From many, one.
Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is a man who embodies the struggles of black and white in American. Is he black? Is he a white man in a black body? Is he of mixed race? What does it mean that he has attended Trinity UCC for 20 years, a church where the minister periodically lit it up with outbursts of rage against the United States of America, the place that Sen. Obama claims is neither blue nor red. Perhaps he lives in the United red, white, black, and blue States of America. All the best, OS