Thursday, March 20, 2008

Great column on race

Cohen hits it spot on with a reaction to Obama's "Toward a More Perfect Union" speech.

Honesty feels heady right now. For seven years, we have lived with the arid, us-against-them formulas of Bush’s menial mind, with the result that the nuanced exploration of America’s hardest subject is almost giddying. Can it be that a human being, like Wright, or like Obama’s grandmother, is actually inhabited by ambiguities? Can an inquiring mind actually explore the half-shades of truth?

Yes. It. Can.

The unimaginable South African transition that Nelson Mandela made possible is a reminder that leadership matters. Words matter. The clamoring now in the United States for a presidency that uplifts rather than demeans is a reflection of the intellectual desert of the Bush years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well-said. I think America lost a lot of its, for lack of a better word, mojo when for years it had that uncomfortable thought gnawing in the pit of its stomach for so long: Our President is kind of stupid.