Thursday, March 13, 2008

The difference between how wealthy we perceive America to be, and how wealthy she actually is...

Fabulous column from Herbert on our financial situation and the ever-widening income gap. I have many thoughts on the subject and how it relates to our current economic mess, but am unable to put them down now - hopefully soon!

"For years, families have been fighting weakness on the employment front with every other option imaginable. Wives and mothers have gone to work. People have been putting in more hours and working additional jobs.

"And Americans have plunged like Olympic diving champions into every form of debt they could find.

"As Andrew Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union, told me some months ago: 'Workers are incredibly, legitimately scared that the American dream, particularly the belief that their kids will do better, is ending.'"

Generally, I try to be as optimistic about our futures as possible (while still holding on to reality), but when I read that last sentence, some part of me shuddered at its truth. All is not lost, but I certainly don't think we're on the right track yet.

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