Thursday, March 06, 2008


One seldom-discussed negative about puppies, is that they simply grow up way too fast. This is little Isolde, whom I got to name (it was the first family dog I've actually gotten to name, although my mother restricted me to German names since she is a German shepherd - not obvious at all). In the photo above, it's October 2007. Below, Izzy in December. Ridiculous. And I suffer disproportionately to the rest of my family because I live all the way across the country. Apparently, she's grown exponentially since the holidays, surpassing the size of our two year-old Golden Retriever. Absurd. Anyway, just a thought - in case any of you are thinking about getting puppies, remember they don't stay puppies for long! (Though dogs are still wonderful long after their puppy days...)

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