Saturday, March 01, 2008

The anti-Dowd

Gail Collins proves you can be a liberal female columnist, incorporate humor, and still sound like an intellectual human being - unlike Maureen Dowd who needs to stop writing and making women look like incompetent hacks. Gail Collins is not my favorite Times columnist, and maybe she's not as easy on the eyes as Dowd, but my goodness, she doesn't make me ashamed of my gender, and for that, I thank her.

*Just a small note, this is to contrast her with Maureen Dowd who I LOATHE. Loathe, loathe, loathe - for her ridiculous nicknames (Barry=Barack - what?!), weak arguments, false logic, and a million other wrongs. Women columnists are quite clearly in the newspaper minority, even in the liberal New York Times, and seeing Dowd alongside intimidatingly good columnists like Frank Rich and Paul Krugman makes my blood crawl. I'm not particularly inclined to be ashamed of my gender (I LOVE being a woman, truly) but the Dowd juxtaposition is too much to bear. It's like her role, in addition to being one of the token females, was to provide the "dumbed-down" column. It's disgusting. At least Coulter had the decency to be on the other side (politically) - Dowd supposedly represents my views. BLECH.

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