Monday, November 14, 2005

More excessiveness.

So, I realized that today was going to be a good day when I went outside to get the mail. My cd's that I ordered from Tower had arrived! I was extremely excited because I knew that today...TODAY! would be the beginning of the Christmas season for me. Why? Because one of those cd's was my favorite Christmas cd of all time - Bing Crosby's WHITE CHRISTMAS. Loooooooooove the Bing.

Anyhow, I put Mr. Crosby on, then I briefly lost my mind, and purchased over $100 of Christmas DVDs on Dammit! But oh well, now I'm excited for them to come too! The purchase definitely included all of those great claymation films like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Boy, are they hilarious.

Anyway, I know it's early for the Christmas thing, but I feel like I needed to put a positive and completely insane spin on my life this November. Early Christmas obsession is just the thing. P.S. We are totally having a Chrismukkah party at the house, and don't worry, I'll plan this one.

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