Sunday, November 13, 2005

"Nice day for a sulk"

Today was beautiful. Unfortunately, I had a mountain of work to do. Figuratively, it was the Mt. Everest of groups projects + readings + research + a billion other things. I wish I could've just taken off on a nice walk. I can't believe it's November! Am I the only one?

Anyhow, the weekend was quite nice, despite the pressures of academia. I already told you about Shopgirl, last night we had a surprise 21st birthday party for Justine, which was lovely. Sorry to anyone if I seemed like a big bitch at the beginning of the soiree, I was put in a very uncomfortable position. Anyhow, a little glass of "calm your nerves" wine was just the trick and soon Olivia and I were cutting a rug on the dance floor. Justine was incredibly surprised and it was great to see everyone who showed up.

I've had to give myself a lot of pep talks lately. It's kind of what I do when I feel like I'm getting buried alive, again, figuratively. Thanksgiving is soon though, which is good. I'll have to chill out then. I can't wait to eat limitless amounts of turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing and all of that other horribly bad for you food that we eat on Thanksgiving. Citizens of the United States (my Emerging Economies professor is always yelling at us for using the word "American" to describe U.S. residents - because we're not the only Americans, i.e. residents of South America, Canada, etc.) are so indulgent - it's fabulous! *Note: Of course there is a little part of me that feels entirely guilty about our excess, but I feel in a way obligated to play the card I've been given, i.e. live it up now and hope to do good in the future* AKA Melinda is a horrible person.

Hehehe. Shit. Now I do feel really guilty. I'm going to have a glass of the finest scotch and go to sleep in my beautiful bed.

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