Monday, November 14, 2005

Other cd

I forgot to mention the other cd that came today: The Legend of Johnny Cash. Was well worth the money just for the cd insert - but the music is absolutely terrific. Honestly, a must have. And as I had no other Cash cds (lots of stuff downloaded, but no actual purchases made) - I felt it was an obligation whose time had come due, especially since it goes quite well with the Cash print I bought in Connecticut (I'll post a pic). Anyhow, despite missing all of my classes, today was a great day. I've gone Christmas crazy - even put fairy lights up over my windows - and made a new Christmas mix (beginning with a little Mariah Carey, of course [PAUL]). Hehehe - it's definitely possible that I'm losing my mind, but it feels so nice. Oh and I baked a KICK ASS Jewish Apple Cake. Thanks mom! I'm in love with the world today, so that means all of you too - hope that puts a little warmth in your night.

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