Thursday, November 10, 2005

I heart Monk's.

Monk's Cafe, that is (although I do have a similar fondness for members of the spiritual brotherhood). The A-list of Wharton ladies (myself, Brigit, Leslie, Meghan, Michelle and Lindsey) made a special outing last night to indulge and truly celebrate our fabulousness (not to mention give us a break from our insane work schedules). It was such a ridiculously good time, I can't even explain. We all got terribly drunk off of our delicious Belgian beer; Les, Linds and I destroyed three different kinds of mussels; I have never eaten so many pommes frites; the music was absolutely ludicrous (first The Smiths, then Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!, then The Postal Service); and the desserts....oh my goodness the desserts. Not to mention the glorious company and conversation. I don't think I've ever had a more perfect night out (with the possible exception of the trip to Monk's with the nametags, that was pretty great as well). Monk's Cafe is just wonderful. The staff is wonderful, the food is wonderful, and the beer is out of this world. If you live in Philadelphia and you haven't gone yet, what are you waiting for? Go go go!

For the most part, my life has been pretty tame, but busy. I'm giving a small speech tonight in front of like, 500 people, so that's got me a little nervous. I've been going to mad job interviews, but I don't know... nothing's got me terribly excited yet. I have a preceptorial (class that not's for credit) tomorrow on Harry Potter. =) Yesterday was Becky's half-birthday (her 19 1/2 birthday, I might add) and I got a voicemail from her explaining that she called me in anticipation of me calling her to wish her a happy half-birthday. This kid! Katie's going to come and stay with me in the city over Thanksgiving break, which should be quite cool.

I suppose I could give you some song recommendations:
"The Recluse" by Cursive
"Halls of Mirrors" by Louis XIV
"Cemetry Gates" by The Smiths (don't know if I've mentioned it before but it's been pretty much my favorite song as of late)
"Jenny Wren" by Paul McCartney

Hope your lives are going swimmingly as well. Ciao lovers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe they're called Liberty Fries, thank you very much! Hmm...maybe I should give a wee list of songs on my LJ for ya'll? I hope your speech goes well - you're a fuckin' leg-end! Pj x