Monday, November 21, 2005

Christmas movies.

So, as many of you know, I purchased a significant amount of Christmas time DVDs last week. Well, I adore Amazon, because they arrived two days after I ordered them. Today, I took to watching White Christmas with my dinner. I just finished, and I think it might be my favorite Christmas film. And it really highlighted the inner reasons why I (and probably most who celebrate it) love Christmas. The joy, the kindness, the caring, the spirit of goodwill that accompanies this season is truly astonishing. I've never had a bad Christmas, and for that I am extremely thankful. I suppose I have more of my mother in me than I had previously thought, because it was really her that has instilled within me a sincere appreciation for my own true meaning of Christmas. As Hugh Grant so brilliantly quotes in About A Boy - "no man is an island" - and I believe it. A life without others in it is hardly worth living (unless you're a tortured, extremely talented artist, of course). ;-)
The thing is, we are all so truly blessed, it's a shame that we need an annual holiday to remind us of it. But when that time does come around, we all should really take advantage of that moment to dwell on all the gifts that life has bestowed upon us. I know this is all sounding very Christian, but for me, the meaning of the season has always been a meditation on those who are important in my life and how much better they make living. My family and friends have meant so much to me over the years, and I hope that I have never done anything to make any of you doubt how much I care for you. I hope all of you take the holiday season (whatever holiday you may be celebrating, or even if you celebrate none at all, take the time given to us for a winter break) to appreciate your own special ones. Those of you who know what I've been dealing with this semester can probably understand why I've let this season come quite early into my life; it's just something I needed. So curl up, watch White Christmas (even if you don't practice Christianity, it is still a great film), and think about ways to show those you love how much you are grateful for them.

Plus, I always had a weird semi-crush on Danny Kaye. Yeah, I'm a freak. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second the Danny Kaye crush. Although, I always had more of a thing for Gene Kelly