Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Super scary.

Referenced in an interesting editorial in the Financial Times, NYU professor Nouriel Roubini believes the U.S. is headed for a catastrophic economic collapse. In a 12 step list published in early February, Roubini outlines the criteria needed to reach this stage of meltdown, from everyday headlines including the worst housing recession so far in history (check) and further losses in subprime-related debt (check) to headlines yet to be published- a wave of corporate defaults and the collapse of hedgefunds.


e. donovan said...

I'd like to read the article, but it's in some whacked-out format. HTML version, please?

Melinda said...

If you don't have a subscription, then this will probably only be visible for a few more days. The other file is in .mht format - not sure why you can't see it...