Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Irish Vote

I was really disappointed with Roger Cohen's recent column, "The Muck of the Irish", not so much because of its content (which I disagree with, but if it's presented properly, I have no problem respecting different opinions), but with the style, which consisted mainly of a series of wordy insults (some racist?) and one-sentence arguments with no evidence to back it up. What the hell, Roger?

While I think the EU should look east for expansion and growth, I think that democracy wins over 'efficiency' (do you really think more Brussels bureaucracy is going to lead to efficiency?) no matter what, and in that respect, I applaud the Irish. Here is a contrary viewpoint, courtesy of the Financial Times. I don't think this necessarily means no 27-member EU, but rather, a re-working of the Lisbon Treaty until all of the members can reach an accord. Need more time to address this issue properly, but just wanted to start a discussion here so I don't forget.

Another related opinion piece.

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