Monday, October 29, 2007

Robert Johnson

I've been meaning to get his album for awhile - King of the Delta Blues Singers - although it can hardly be called his album, it's just what Columbia could rustle up in 1961. Even still, it's phenomenal. And illuminating. It's unreal how much he clearly influenced so many of my favorite artists (Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin are the two that immediately spring to mind). Even The Lemon Song's infamous "squeeze [me baby], 'till the juice runs down my leg" was pulled from Johnson (who's original lyric in Traveling Riverside Blues was "squeeze my lemon, 'till the juice runs down my leg" - still pretty racy, if you ask me).

I am going to highly recommend this to anyone who is seriously into music - recommend, also known as code for "purchase this immediately even if you have to rob little old ladies to do so". Afterwards, report back. I'd be very interested in what everyone else thinks - esp. if you're into blues.

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