Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I know, I know...

...it's been ages since my last update! Sorry, my loving readers, I've been preoccupied. I'll briefly comment on the more interesting events of the past week or so.

The Aristocrats plus drinking with the gang: Fantastic! Laughed my ass off. Pretty sure Natasha was scarred for life by Bob Saget. Drinking was insane, as usual. I found out that every now and then, I turn into a ridiculous compulsive liar.

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!, Grand Buffet and Magnolia Electric Co. show with Tom: was a bloody good time. I knew the first band would be great, I'm a big fan. You could really tell they loved playing. Grand Buffet was absolutely hilarious (I especially loved the part where they blamed Dave Matthews for ALL of South Africa's problems). And Magnolia was quite good as well. You can see Tom's blog for a more detailed synopsis.

Wine bar in my room last Friday: Olivia came down and Kamins moved in - so that was nice. Kate and Jeff joined us for arse-loads of alcohol plus a game of drunk Jenga, which led to some pretty crazy stuff (and also some pretty crazy pics - hopefully those will be up soon).

Cousin's wedding on Saturday: Typical family wedding - although I didn't drink (due to my intense hangover), inebriation abounded and wackiness ensued. Left a bit early, but heard that my uncle and (male) cousin did a striptease to Nelly's Hot in Here and then danced sexily (and I use that word very loosely) with eachother, to the delight of the dj and all of the guests. Love my family.

That's the short of it all, anyway. I'll post more soonish. Best wishes for a splendid end to each of your summers. XOXOXOX

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