Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'm going to shamelessly steal this from Susannah's livejournal

I was absolutely delighted by this excerpt from Susannah Grossman's livejournal (S - I hope you don't mind!!). Context: description of songs, that's pretty much all you need to know.

"4. Dead Kennedys, "Terminal Preppie"

I always use this song's lyrics as an example to John to try and explain what many of my fellow University of Pennsylvania students are like. "My ambition in life/ is too look good on paper/All I want is a slot/in some big corporation! I'm not here to learn/I just want to get drunk! And major in Business/and learn how to fuck!" Also, I love the bits about the empty beer can trophies and idolizing John Belushi, as well as the off-pitch Sousa-marching band motif of the song: the sour trumpets and trombones rapidly punctuating each of Jello's affirmations as if they were touchdowns."

Again, I hope you don't mind Susannah, but it is lovely. Almost as lovely as the baklava at Tchai Ovna, my god, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Give Glasgow a kiss for me!

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