Saturday, May 07, 2005

Last final.

Phew! Finals are over! Hooray! I don't know if I've ever been happier to finish exams. Probably because I don't think I've ever busted my ass so much - academics have consumed my life!!!

Anyhow, it was also a sad day, as we are all departing for our individual summers (and Tash is graduating!) - unbelievable. We (meaning Tutta la Famiglia) went down to South Street for Jim's Steak and Dairy Queen ice cream cake as a celebration. Mom is coming to get me tomorrow morning. It all feels very surreal. Speaking of surreal, I had the strangest experience walking home from High Rise North.

I got past 40th Street and this guy came up and started talking to me, casual-like. He was definitely a Penn student and looked like a football player. Just "Ready for summer? Where are you from?" and stuff like that. But we had a nice chat as we both walked home. His name was Paul and we shook one of those special handshakes before we parted ways. It was terribly weird and thus, fantastic. Then, after that, I saw a man who looked EXACTLY like Bill Murray in the Royal Tenenbaums sprint across the road, get into a car, and speed off. It was a very strange walk home.

I love strangeness. I need more Diet Coke if I'm going to finish this present for my mum. Sweet dreams friends and lovers.


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