Friday, May 20, 2005

Back in Edinburgh!!!

Well, so far, the trip has been just fab! It's so unbelievably great to see Paul again, as well as the flatmates, that I can hardly believe it (redundant, but who cares). I arrived in Glasgow and somehow got my tired behind from the airport to Edinburgh by 4:00 PM. The first night we went out to Massa and I danced my ass off. The first day I spent sleeping, honestly. I didn't wake up until 5:30 PM - I'm guessing jet lag plus dancing (I didn't even drink at Massa). The second night Paul, Kate, Emma and I went to Liquid Rooms where they were playing some really classic music. I did drink last night, quite a bit, but it was so much fun. I have a few pics from that night. We didn't leave until the club almost closed but I woke up frighteningly early today, naturally, at about 9:00 AM. So I got up, showered, Coco Pops, then headed out. I spent most of the morning wandering about the Royal Museum (although the exhibit I wanted to see was closed - drat!), then I walked up to the castle, took some gorgeous photographs and walked all the way down the Royal Mile, stopping at the Museum of Childhood. I went to the Scottish Parliament then, and had lunch at the Cafe at Holyrood Palace and then walked back to Fraser Court via Holyrood Park (more gorgeous photos). It was a fantastic day so far! I'm just loving being back. I adore this city so much, and I feel great, even just strolling about.

Well, back to having fun. See you all soon!!!


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