Friday, May 02, 2008

A halfway decent summer blockbuster?

I was pretty surprised today to find that Iron Man has actually gotten some pretty solid reviews. I've had mixed feelings about this film from the start:
a) I'm not a huge fan of typical summer action blockbusters - I almost always end up disappointed, so I've more or less stopped going.
b) On the other hand, I love Robert Downey Jr. Most recent example - his performance in Zodiac was definitely one of the major assets of the film.
c) I don't think the commercials do it justice at all, but the trailer seems to hit closer to the mark.
d) Jon Favreau directs. As much as I dig Swingers, and I as much as I loved his guest appearance in The Sopranos, it is now very hard to take him seriously in the role of a director. Like, really? Favreau? Maybe I'm just a snob though.

Anyway, I think my interest has piqued enough to perhaps go and pay the $10 to see it. If one of you beats me to the punch though (which is very likely), I'd be curious as to your thoughts.

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