Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Brooks begins to redeem himself

David Brooks contrasts the vastly different styles of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Most of the argument we've heard before, but here was the part that shocked me:

She peddled her sham gas-tax holiday and repeated her attempt to blame Indiana’s job losses on outsourcing and Nafta. Stephanopoulos asked her to name a single economist who thinks a tax-holiday plan would work, and the daughter of Wellesley and Yale took the chance to shove the geeks into their lockers: “I’m not going to put my lot in with economists.”

When Stephanopoulos pointed out that Paul Krugman, a Times columnist, has raised doubts about the plan, Clinton lumped Krugman in with the Bush administration and said she wasn’t going to listen to the people responsible for the last seven years.

Ok I don't know how many of you are familiar with Paul Krugman, but he's WAY more liberal than I am (and despite my love of capitalism, I'm pretty liberal) and I believe he owns a Bush-faced dartboard. He's always been on the Democrats' side. Anyway, this was just shameful. Which I guess is the continuing theme of the Clinton campaign - I mean, it's gotten her this far, right? HA!

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