Monday, October 24, 2005

Good weekend, intense week.

After an appendicitis scare on Thursday night, I felt the need to go home last Friday and be waited on by my mother so I could hopefully recover fully in time for my uncle Ralph's wedding on Saturday. So my mother and sister picked me up Friday afternoon and I spent the night receiving back massages, warm Alkaseltzer, and puppy kisses. And recover I did, dear readers!

I traveled to my uncle's wedding totally refreshed and rejuvenated. It being a Keen wedding, there was an open bar even though the wedding began at 11 AM (reception was from 12-5 PM). Needless to say, there was much dancing and everyone was drunk by 5, including my darling grandparents. It was also the first time I caught the bouquet (actually I didn't catch it - I know better - but my 15 year old sister Katie did, so everyone made me go up there for the garter part - which was hilarious, since everyone in the room knew me and Eddie (who caught the garter)). What a horrible tradition!

So, it being early still, my uncle Kevin invited everyone to his house. I drove Eddie's massive diesel truck over there and the fam continued with the debauchery. Then Kevin and Ralph's friends mentioned a jazz festival in Media and wondered if I'd like to join. Well why not? It ended up being an INSANE night of bar-hopping, jazz, and computer games (has anyone else ever played them at a bar? so much fun!). Which actually meant that we had all been drinking pretty much from noon to 3 AM (we actually ended up hanging out in this one bar almost an hour after it closed). All in end, friends, it was a wonderful weekend.

Unfortunately though, all good things must end and I really must get back to studying for my real estate investments midterm. I have a TON of schoolwork this week (as usual), but a forgotten-about treasure popped up today. I had failed to remember the Death Cab for Cutie concert ticket I purchased way back in August, I think, and the concert is tomorrow! Very exciting! I can't wait - the opening band, Stars, is quite good as well.

So I'll keep you updated. Hope you are all doing splendidly.

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