Wednesday, April 23, 2008

PA Primary Thoughts

Thank you Steve Kornacki. I was very disappointed with David Brooks (as many of you are) for turning on Obama and Kornacki puts him in his place. Regarding the PA Clinton win - we all knew it was coming. As much faith as I have (had?) in my fellow Pennsylvanians - that was a ROUGH primary for Obama - between horrible debates, misspoken words, Hil-dog downing a shot of Crown Royal... definitely not the best set-up. But the good news is that he was projected to lose by a much larger percentage just a month or two ago, and the race was closer than many predicted.

“When Obama goes to a church infused with James Cone-style liberation theology, when he makes ill-informed comments about working-class voters, when he bowls a 37 for crying out loud, voters are going to wonder if he’s one of them,” wrote Mr. Brooks, a onetime Obama enthusiast, in a column titled “How Obama Fell to Earth.”

Add to that indictment Mr. Obama’s status as the “most liberal” member of the Senate (as determined, using questionable criteria, by the National Journal) and—voilĂ —the G.O.P. has its caricature: Barack Obama, the arrogant liberal elitist.

“A few months ago,” Mr. Brooks concluded, “Mr. Obama was riding his talents. … Now, Democrats are deeply worried their nominee will lose in November.”

Eh, not really. That logic fixates on all of the ammunition that Republicans have at their disposal against Mr. Obama. But it ignores the more basic question of whether voters, upon being exposed to the caricature, will actually buy into it.

As I have mentioned before - I think the voters JUST DON'T CARE. Plus, Hillary really is taking all the fun out of attacking Obama for the GOP. When she's done, all they can do is pick over the scraps. Obama hasn't taken nearly as many pot shots as Clinton - and boy are the Republicans going to have a field day if she turns out to be their opponent. Really, I just don't get the whole "electability" argument against Obama. Please come up with a fresh, preferably logical, argument Mrs. Clinton, or get out of the way already.

Update: Maureen Dowd actually manages to not embarass my gender today with her political commentary - here's an excerpt:

The very fact that he can’t shake her off has become her best argument against him. “Why can’t he close the deal?” Hillary taunted at a polling place on Tuesday.

She’s been running ads about it, suggesting he doesn’t have “what it takes” to run the country. Her message is unapologetically emasculating: If he does not have the gumption to put me in my place, when superdelegates are deserting me, money is drying up, he’s outspending me 2-to-1 on TV ads, my husband’s going crackers and party leaders are sick of me, how can he be trusted to totally obliterate Iran and stop Osama?

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