Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Dylan Project

I'm just starting and yet, it has already enriched my life so much. Read his autobiography! Listen to his albums! Help me help you!

Note to self, research/acquire later:
-More Woody Guthrie
-Pete Seeger
-New Lost City Ramblers
-Ramblin' Jack Elliott
-Daniel Lamois
-Dave van Ronk
-Arlo Guthrie

My favorite songs right now:
-Remember the Mountain Bed (Billy Bragg and Wilco, Mermaid Avenue Vol. 2)
-Atlantic City (Bruce Springsteen, Nebraska)
-Crips (Ratatat, self-titled - Chris Helies deserves credit for this one)
-Song to Woody (Bob Dylan, self-titled)
-I'm Slowly Turning Into You (White Stripes, Icky Thump)
-What is the Light? (Flaming Lips, The Soft Bulletin)


e. donovan said...

Remember the Mountain Bed is so beautiful. It almost makes me cry; it calls up so much.

Melinda said...

I totally agree Evan. I get completely lost in the imagery and my own nostalgia.