Saturday, December 03, 2005

Stolen from Paul

Stolen from Sophois:

"If you're reading this, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and I. It can be anything you want - good or bad! When you're finished why not post this little paragraph on your own LJ and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you?"


Anonymous said...

Let's just say it involved Melinda with out pants...and I wil never forget it ;-)

Anonymous said...

I don't think you want me to actually post the things I've considered posting. But you know what I'm talking about. All of them.

Anonymous said...


I remember:

(*)Us sneaking off to my flat so I could scoff Chinese food whilst you started on the pipe. I'd finish then join ya' before heading back to 4/3 giggly as schoolgirls.

(*)Tequila night which all began when you said you could outdrink me so I bought a bottle of the EVIL stuff. Greg's mobile going off every ten minutes reminding us to shot.

(*)Being up Arthurs Seat on Guy Fawke's night with a spliff before coming back down to (alot) of badly cooked porridge.

(*)Glasgow University look-out point. The place and view are both magical at night. I'm glad I got to take you there.

(*)Tchai Ovna and the great Cluedo battles! Also, the complete BOOT talking about how she was practically a writer for the Economist due to her business knowledge.

(*)Watching "Rules of Attraction" and pausing it for Lucy's friend coming over. On the screen was a HUGE pair of breasts!

(*)Being slaughtered and showing up to Lauren's flat dressed in our costumes - babbling SHITE - before TEARING up the floor in Opium.

(*)My parents meeting you after staying at Terry's. The fact my mother couldn't decide on Melinda, Melissa or Belinda. [Bless her!]

(*)The QAF marathon/skank around the flat to Mariah party as a prelude to your departure.

(*)The wonderful pre-Christmas experience I was able to enjoy in your company @ Del's. I was surrounded by many different friends from different places and periods in my life. I still hold it dear - it was one of the best nights I've ever had when out. :)

I have to stop at some point - I could continue writing indefinitely! Pretty much everything we done was memorable - your company means SO to me :)

Ciao, Pj x