Saturday, September 24, 2005

"A dreaded sunny day."

Actually, not dreaded at all - but more than welcome! It is 1 PM on a Saturday and already it's been like, the greatest day ever! I woke up early (as I opted to stay in last night and watch 80s film classics, due to my extreme state of exhaustion), showered and decided to go pick up eggs and milk. I walked outside at around 10 o'clock and was confronted by the most gorgeous day one could imagine. I do hope all of you are out there enjoying it.

Anyhow, I came back, fixed myself some scrambled eggs, called my sister, and watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. That show is hilarious. Thank god for Video on Demand. Then I decided that I just needed to get out there and do something. So I hopped on my good ol' bike and went for a spin around the Schulkyll (is that spelled correctly? God, I should know this...). It was BEAUTIFUL (yes, the Schulkyll, despite the sewage, can be beautiful sometimes). Everyone seemed like they were in a really good mood. I had my iPod, which kept fortuitously turning out Stevie Wonder tunes - which actually went fantastically with my mood. Then, as I was biking back to 4238 Spruce, Life is a Highway came on - and my goodness, I cannot even describe how perfect it was. I believe everyone's life should have a soundtrack - all the time.

Now I'm here, and deciding what I should do next. I do have a lot of work to do. Plus interviews coming up. And my room could use a good cleaning. But jesus, the weather is SO NICE! Whelp, what I am sure I am going to do is pull up the blinds (actually they are already up, that's a big lie) to my bay window, let the sun shine in, and put on some Belle and Sebastian. If She Wants Me will do quite nicely. Perhaps a walk then. With my camera. Ah yes. Good plan.

Enjoy your day!

p.s. Title of post is from Cemetry Gates by the Smiths - get it now!!!

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