Sunday, September 03, 2006

Yes, I'm alive.

I've just been busy adjusting to West coast working life. But I'm fantastic. I've been getting a lot of requests for pictures of my apartment, so even though it's nowhere near finished, I'm going to post some. Feel free to leave suggestions/comments. I miss all of you on the East coast [well, most of you anyway=) ] just in case you didn't know.

1 comment:

e. donovan said...

Good to hear from you. I'm actually going to Boston for sure now! Exciting. Unfortunately, I have hardly any money for the first few weeks though, so I'm not sure what it'll be like at first.

Send me an email sometime if you can, once things calm down. I'd like to talk more, and I'm sorry I missed you before you left.

I was listening to "Blonde on Blonde" the other day and figured out finally where your blog title is from. And if you ever get tired of that one, there's always "Sweet Melinda, the peasants call her the goddess of gloom/She speaks good English and invites you up into her room." I suppose you know what that's from, though it doesn't suit you very well.