Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Jesus Christ.

It's been a loooooong time since I've posted. I'm sure every one can imagine the reasons for it. And there's good news and bad news and everything in between, but I'd never have the time to catch you up. Here's the short version:

I'm an alum of an Ivy League university - yay! But I still haven't decided on a job, so I'm at home in Lancaster County for a bit, which is both good and bad. As for everything else, in some ways I'm very happy and in some ways I'm miserable. I suppose it's a product of this time in my life, as well as my personal decisions of the last month or so. Sigh. Kate had an away message up a few days ago that remarked that life needs fast forward and rewind buttons and I am inclined to agree with her.

I'm not really in the writing mood, but I was checking my e-mail and such and thought that I may as well take the chance to let everyone know that I am alive and will be returning to this blog shortly. I hope you are all doing well and wish all the '06 graduates a big congratulations.


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